type description
Abstract Resource
Account System user account.
Base Contribution Statistics
Container Translation Statistics Generic Container for translation statistics.
Contribution Statistics Contains information about translations contributed by a single user.
Copy Trans Status Copy Trans process status.
Filter Constraints
Glossary Entry A single glossary entry representing a single translated term in multiple locales.
Glossary Info Information about a specific Glossary.
Glossary Locale Info
Glossary Results Wrapper for list of Glossary entries and a list of warning messages after saving/updating
Glossary Term A single glossary term for a single locale
Locale Details
Locale Statistics Contains translation statistics for a single locale.
Process Status Generic type to represent the status of a process.
Process Status Code
Project Representation of the data within a Project resource
Project Version Represents a Project version (or iteration).
Qualified Name Describes a qualified system name. Usage: Glossary Entry Glossary
Resource A series of text flows to be translated and sharing common metadata.
Result List A list of results
Stats Unit
Status The possible state of various entities in the system.
Text Container This class contains string contents for a single translatable message. It maps between the JAXB/JSON representation of content/ contents (in separate elements, for backwards-compatibility) and the server model (which represents contents as an ArrayList to support plural forms). This class is the superclass for TextFlow and TextFlowTarget.
Text Flow A translatable string
TextFlowTarget This class contains string contents for a single translatable message. It maps between the JAXB/JSON representation of content/ contents (in separate elements, for backwards-compatibility) and the server model (which represents contents as an ArrayList to support plural forms). This class is the superclass for TextFlow and TextFlowTarget.
Translation Statistics Translation statistics. Contains actual numbers and other information about the state of translation.
Translations Represents the translation of a document into a single locale.
Version Info Holds system version information