Container Translation Statistics Data Type

Generic Container for translation statistics.

name data type description
id string Identifier for the container (i.e. Project, Project Iteration, Document, etc).
refs array of object References to related elements (i.e. Reference to the container).
stats array of Translation Statistics Actual translation statistics.
detailedStats array of Container Translation Statistics Detailed Statistics if so requested.


  "id" : "my-project",
  "refs" : [ { }, { } ],
  "stats" : [ {
    "total" : 12345,
    "untranslated" : 25,
    "approved" : 80,
    "rejected" : 10,
    "fuzzy" : 50,
    "unit" : "WORD",
    "locale" : "es-ES",
    "lastTranslated" : "31/12/15 23:59 by homer",
    "translatedOnly" : 30
  }, {
    "total" : 12345,
    "untranslated" : 12345,
    "approved" : 12345,
    "rejected" : 12345,
    "fuzzy" : 12345,
    "unit" : "MESSAGE",
    "locale" : "...",
    "lastTranslated" : "...",
    "translatedOnly" : 12345
  } ],
  "detailedStats" : [ {
    "id" : "my-project",
    "refs" : [ { }, { } ],
    "stats" : [ {
      "total" : 12345,
      "untranslated" : 25,
      "approved" : 80,
      "rejected" : 10,
      "fuzzy" : 50,
      "unit" : "MESSAGE",
      "locale" : "es-ES",
      "lastTranslated" : "31/12/15 23:59 by homer",
      "translatedOnly" : 30
    }, {
      "total" : 12345,
      "untranslated" : 12345,
      "approved" : 12345,
      "rejected" : 12345,
      "fuzzy" : 12345,
      "unit" : "WORD",
      "locale" : "...",
      "lastTranslated" : "...",
      "translatedOnly" : 12345
    } ],
    "detailedStats" : [ { }, { } ]
  }, {
    "id" : "...",
    "refs" : [ { }, { } ],
    "stats" : [ {
      "total" : 12345,
      "untranslated" : 12345,
      "approved" : 12345,
      "rejected" : 12345,
      "fuzzy" : 12345,
      "unit" : "MESSAGE",
      "locale" : "...",
      "lastTranslated" : "...",
      "translatedOnly" : 12345
    }, {
      "total" : 12345,
      "untranslated" : 12345,
      "approved" : 12345,
      "rejected" : 12345,
      "fuzzy" : 12345,
      "unit" : "MESSAGE",
      "locale" : "...",
      "lastTranslated" : "...",
      "translatedOnly" : 12345
    } ],
    "detailedStats" : [ { }, { } ]
  } ]